The Sims 4 - News

Yesterday several SimGurus updated their Twitter avatars, among them SimGuruRyan, SimGuruMartin, and SimGuruShannon. SimGuruSarah already had a Sims 4 picture on Twitter. Here are all 4 of them:

I downloaded the newest issue of The Sims Magazine onto my iPad and it's pretty cool!

SimGuruRachel confirmed that The Sims 4 will in fact be at E3. I wish I could go this year!

EA has announced the first career of The Sims 4 in a tweet:

Today we got a bit of news about The Sims 4!

This is a new screen:


And not just any screen. As you can see these are Sims on Abbey Road. Why? Well...

Special thanks to Alexis from SimsVIP for the find!

Here are 30 screenshots from yesterday's class about The Sims 4 which took place at GDC. Please note that all the screenshots are from alpha software. And these aren't your average screenshots either. But it's something! Finally! Anything! Haha.


